Our Company
Accepta LLC is a privately owned company created in 2016 that specializes in the processing of electronic payments and value-added transactional services. Categorized as a Financial Technology Service Provider [FinTech], Accepta seeks to maximize the customer’s experience and value by continuously improving, optimizing, and automating the delivery and use of electronic payment processing related financial services.

Our Company
Accepta LLC es una empresa privada 100% puertorriqueña creada en 2016 que se especializa en procesar pagos electrónicos y servicios transaccionales de valor agregado. Categorizada como un Proveedor de Servicio de Tecnología Financiera [FinTech], Accepta busca maximizar la experiencia y el valor del cliente, mejorando, optimizando y automatizando continuamente la entrega y uso de servicios financieros relacionados al procesamiento electrónico de pagos.
Partnered and certified with the top credit card processors and financial institutions in the USA.
We offer solutions for the wholesale, online, retail, restaurant, recurring and mail order/telephone order environments through our own proprietary and third-party solutions.
Accepta LLC focuses in providing innovative and customized/tailored solutions for all business sizes, from corporate solutions, application developers, to smaller businesses.
Accept customer payments from anywhere, anytime. Easy and efficient payment processing is available to fuel your business. Whether it’s swiped, keyed, mobile, online, or contactless.
Accepta operates at the highest level of security standards and is certified by the PCI Security Standards Council & NACHA Operating Rules. You can feel safe with us and your customers safe with you.
We work around the clock to ensure reliable and continuous operations. Quality of service is an intrinsic part of our culture.
Our Team
Accepta brings the perfect mix of expertise and business acumen. The management team and founders have extensive experience in the payments and financial services industry. The team encompasses primarily developing and linking Strategy, Innovation and Technology, while directing overall business structures that support growth and deliver purposeful innovation to customers. Among the areas of expertise are business & technology strategy, operations, program & project management, solutions/services & product development, and commercial/sales lifecycles.